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The Psychological Services Clinic

Counseling Services

Currently, our services are offered in person at our clinic located in McKee Hall on the University of Northern Colorado Greeley Campus.

For counseling, clients typically meet weekly with their counselor-in-training for 45-50 minutes per appointment session. Clients are scheduled through the clinic office for the same time each week during the course of the semester. Treatment usually lasts from 6 to 14 sessions. The cost is typically $75 per semester, regardless of the number of appointments attended. We accept online credit and debit card payment through our online payment system.

To discuss available services, please contact our office at 970-351-1645.

Submit a request for services

client meeting with counselor

Counselor meeting with client

Individual Counseling

Clients meet with their counselor-in-training individually to address a wide variety of concerns. Individual counseling is a collaborative process where clients actively participate in creating and reaching their treatment goals.

Child/Adolescent Counseling

During most semesters, we have counselors-in-training who specialize in providing counseling services to children and adolescents ages 7-18. As part of their training, they strive to provide a safe space for individuals to speak openly and actively participate in creating and reaching their counseling goals.

Play Therapy

dinosaur toys

During most semesters, we have counselors-in-training who offer play therapy with children aged 1-9. Based on the philosophy that play is the natural language of children, this type of treatment allows younger children to express themselves and process their feelings without words. Through play therapy, children learn how to express their thoughts and feelings in constructive ways, to control their behavior, to make decisions, and to accept responsibility. Although the child's therapy time is their own, regular parent consultations are scheduled, as parents play an essential role in their child's success.

Couples Counseling*

Sometimes problems go beyond the individual. Couples may seek out counseling together through our clinic. We are LGBTQ+-affirming and welcome couples at any place in their relationship. We work with couples seeking services for a wide range of concerns, such as communication, intimacy, life transitions, infidelity, and more.

Family Therapy*

Therapy can extend to the entire family. We work with nuclear, blended, and extended families, or any range between. Issues addressed in family therapy can focus on communication, emotional expression, grief, parenting or co-parenting concerns, boundary and role disputes among family members, and other concerns affecting the family.

*Due to Colorado law we are unable to work with couples or families with member(s) actively engaging in or in imminent danger of engaging in violence in the home. We have referrals to local resources that specialize in these services. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns, or would like to receive information on these local resources.